Friday, February 24, 2012

Update 2 1/2 years old

Some Sayings:

"Me don't want to smell that!"
"I want to play someting on mommy's phone!"
"What are you doing in here?"
"I not a baby, I am a big boy."
"I want some scuttles (skittles)."


Dora the Explorer
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Dinosaur Train
To be on the go!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Visit with Santa!

Casen did great with Santa Claus this year! At first, he was a little hesitant but when Santa asked him what he would like for Christmas, he told him a blue monster truck. Then he jumped up in his lap took a picture with NO TEARS....yay! To top it all off, Santa gave him a candy cane before he left.
Before we went to see Santa, Casen told me that he was going to tell Santa that he wanted a pink monster truck, a kite, and a train table! Ha! I guess he was so enthralled with Santa that he changed the color of the truck to blue and forgot the other two things he wanted! ha!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Doesn't Get any Sweeter!

I must doesn't get any sweeter than this! I tip toed into Casen room once he fell asleep for a nap and this was the sight I saw. I just couldn't pass up getting a picture of this sweet angel hugging his baby while sleeping on his pillow pet. He had fallen asleep gazing at his Christmas Tree.


Casen had an awesom time at Uncle Benji and Aunt Chanelle's house over Thanksgiving. He stayed outside the entire time and even got in a few soccer kicks with Uncle Benji.......
Look at those eyes!
This is my ball....
Mom can't get enough of my eyes!


Casen, Mary Ashley, and Carter all had a blast together at the Exploreum. We took them to see the kangaroos, but of course they had to be able to play at the dwarf before leaving. This was such a rainy day.....I will never forget running in the rain to get to the Exploreum and passing my little guy off to Hannah so he wouldn't get wet. Of course, Ellen was a few minutes later than me and she got it alot worse than I did! At least the little ones were dry and happy!
Casen playing the Harp!
This Kangaroo looks like he is ready to knock Casen out!
Posing in front of the Christmas Tree!