Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Casen's Birthday Party!

We had a great time at Casen's Birthday Party this past Saturday! The majority of our family got to come down and help celebrate! Everything went great......thanks goodness the cake turned out alright! I was so worried that I was going to get it and not like it, but thankfully I did! We decided to go with the #1 theme and we stuck with it! I even made his birthday shirt to match everything else.
The food was great! We had: baked beans, potato salad, brisket, pizza dip, Harry and David dip, and crack dip! ha! We also had fresh cantaloupe, brownies, cake, and homemade vanilla and chocolate ice cream! yum, yum!
I think Casen knew that this party was al about him. He sat up in his chair like a big boy and listen to everyone sing"Happy Birthday" to him and then he ate his cake just like he has one everyday. After lunch, we opened birthday presents and I must say, the fam outdid themselves! Toys have now taken over the living room and his bedroom!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Casen!

Happy Birthday to our sweet, little man! Momma and Dada love you very much and look forward to making so many, more GREAT memories with you!

12 months:

6 teeth......4 up top and 2 on bottom
walks and runs
loves water.....pools, sprinklers, showers, and bath
waves bye bye and blows kisses

games: loves peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake
songs: row row row your boat and if your happy and you know it
words: mama, dada, hi, hey, hot, no, bite, bye, bird, gray (graycee), bottle
food: graham crackers, yogurt, bananas, biscuits with grape jelly

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the Most Magnificent Dad we know! Casen and I LOVE you very much Brett and thank you for all you do for our family! You are everything we could have ever hoped for in a father and a husband! Casen and I are sooooo BLESSED to have you!
Also, Happy Father's Day to our dads! Thanks for all you do! We Love ya'll and can't wait to see you next weekend for Casen's Birthday Party!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Persistance Pays Off!

This little boy is soooo determined when he puts his mind to something! I have been working with him on putting his shapes into his cookie jar and he is getting really good at it. He is able to get the square and circle in on his own and I have to help him a little bit with the star, triangle, and heart, but he eventually gets it. Check out his look of determination!! I wonder who he gets this look from!

Got it!! YAY!

He's Everywhere!

Casen started walking the day after he turned 11 months! His daddy and I were sooooo proud of him. Since that time, he has become a very good walker and he sometimes even runs! It is sooooo cute!! Our baby is gowing up!

Spoiled by my Cousins!

Casen was the center of attention for the past three days! His four cousins stayed a couple nights with us and entertained him every minute of each day. They had so much fun!

First Birthday Present!

Casen was so excite to open his first birthday present from his Aunt Chenelle, Uncle Benji, and the kids! The bag the present was in was as big as he was. He was so excited to see that the present had balls included with it. It was a basketball goal! He has been playing with it ever since!

Barney Time!

This is a funny picture.....Casen was holding on to my foot watching Barney! He stayed like this for about 5 minutes. He just had to be touching momma! :) Casen LOVES watching Barney!

Practicing Using a Fork!

Casen loves feeding himself without too much help from momma and daddy. He loves eating butter beans! Most of the time he picks them up with his hands and puts them in his mouth, but momma let him practice with his fork (I was watching him very closely), and he loved it. I'm thinking we may have a lefty on our hands. He tends to do everything with his left hand!