Sunday, July 25, 2010

Vaugh Wilson Photos

These are the pictures that we will be getting in our baby gallery from our Vaugh Wilson session throughout Casen's first year. So sweet to be able to see how he grew (starting with 12 months and going back to 3 months.)
12 months
9 months
6 months3 months

13 months

Wow! How time flies when you have a little one that you are watching grow up before your very eyes. Our little man is 13 months old as of yesterday. We are soooo proud of the way he is growing and learning!

About You:
  • You are getting very particular about little things......for example, when you are eating, you have a specific place that your cup is placed on your tray and you don't like for it to be anywhere else except for that spot!
  • You LOVE your shape cookie jar....after practicing for a while, you have figured out exactly how to hold the shapes in your hand to place it in the hole.
  • You love stacking your cups in the bath tub and have become really good at it!
  • You LOOOOOVE to dance.....every time you hear a beat, you have to show your skills!ha! If daddy is anywhere around, you have to make sure that he is watching you!
  • You also LOOOOOVe your like for momma and daddy to read to you, but if we are busy you are not above getting your books out and thumbing through them yourself. (You still love the book Moo, Baa, La La La but you also like the book I Love You Through and Through)
  • You are soooo cute when you get your clothes on for the day are get your pjs on after your bath. You run into the living room and look around for momma or daddy to grin at and model for. You just love to be told how cute you are!
  • Still love the are pretty brave, you will put your mouth in the water and blow bubbles.
  • You know where your hair, ears, tongue, and belly button are. On a really good day, you know where your nose, eyes, mouth, and teeth are!
  • You love Graycee and surprisingly, she loves you back!
  • You are an outside baby!
  • You love to be chased!
  • You are such a loving baby! You love to get kisses and you love to give them. You will kiss just about anyone and you also like to throw kisses. You even pucker you lips up the majority of the time now (not so many open mouth kisses) So cute!
  • You like to watch your Baby Einstein DVDs in the car.
  • You laugh when daddy passes gas or burps (okay....momma too)! ha! You two are such crack-ups!
  • You are getting really good at following directions. It momma ask you to get a specific toy, you are pretty good at that.
  • You love people!
  • You hate loud noises (vacuum cleaner)
  • You LOVE balloons and airplanes. (You will point every time you see one)

8 beautiful teeth

New words: mine, hot, belly button, thank you (tank tue), rock, bite, balloon (baawoon).....Your FAVORITE word is "CAT!"

Foods: You LOVE fruit...apples, grapes, bananas, mango, watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches. Your not tooo big on meat but you will eat ribs, bacon, and chicken (not deli meat). You like baked beans, potato salad, chicken squares, chicken nuggets, pb & jelly sandwiches, biscuits with jelly, waffles, pop tarts. Snacks: apples sauce, yogurt, graham crackers, yogurt bites, puffs, dried fruit, cookies, any other kind of junk food!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Love Being Outside!

Casen is "All Boy!" He would love to be outside all day, every day!! It doesn't matter if he is playing in the driveway, splashing in his water table, swinging on the back porch, or strolling around the neighborhood.....he is sooo happy just being outside! Oh yeah, there is definitely nothing wrong with a little naked play in the back yard! ha! I can't stand for him to have on those HOT diapers when he is outside!!

Meet Mr. Teddy!

Well, after Casen got up this morning, instead of grabbing his blankets, he grabbed Mr. Teddy. Even though I didn't want him to be a blanky baby or attached to certain things, I think he is precious when he is carrying his bear around and giving him aw-wees! :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Water Table

Casen finally got a chance to get outside and enjoy paying with his water table that his grand paw bought for his birthday. It was definitely a hit.......he played with it and played with it until his daddy cut up a watermelon and then he had to have a "BITE!" Once he finished with the watermelon, he went right back to his water table and picked up where he left off!

Happy July 4th!

Casen having fun with daddy after not seeing him for 3 days! He was dressed and ready to go to bed in his patriotic pjs! Thankfully, he slept through the 4-5 hours of fireworks shooting outside our house! Fireworks were still going off at 10:30 p.m. If anyone wants to see a firework show for 4th of July next year, just come to my house! Brett and I watched a firework show from our driveway!!

How do you like those curls?? :)

Blanket and Passy

Well this is the latest at the Cooley Household.......Casen has started getting up from nap and reaching back through his crib to get his passy and blanket. I can't believe that he is one and is starting to turn in to a blanket baby. If he gets ill, he will run back to his room grab his passy and his blanket and it makes everything better. Brett and I bought a really soft teddy bear hoping he would give up the blankets for him. So far, the bear has not been able to take the place of his blankets!