Monday, March 28, 2011

21 months

Little man turned 21 months this past how time flies and I know I say this every month, but I absolutely cannot believe that I'm about to start planning my baby's second birthday party! He is so much fun these days, but definitely a BIG OLE handful!ha! He thinks he is grown and can do absolutely everything by himself. He would stay "Aaside" (outside) all day long if I would let him. ha! This month, he started turning forward flips and saying "Thank you Mommy" with out me asking for the thank you (it just melts my heart). Surprisingly, he has started singing the ABC song and gets to E without messing up, but he continue to hums the whole song. He loves to count...he says 1, 2, 7,8,9,10.

  • loves M&Ms, fruit, chicken, rice, anything sweet

  • groups people very well......he knows which people belong to certain families

  • loves playing any kind of BALL, loves cars and trucks and trains

  • loves Jesus Love Me, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and The Itsy Bitsy Spider

  • loves Barney, Sesame Street, and the Wiggles

  • still (thankfully) loves kisses

  • finally LOVES bubble baths

  • started jumping with both feet off the ground (not a very high vertical, but loves to jump)

  • started rolling over and over and over (he does this in kindermusik)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Picture Day!

So today was picture day at Mother's Day Out and Casen was looked sooooo cute! We broke out his summer sandals and his Polo shirt just for the occasion! These are pictures I took of him at the house before taking him to Mother's Day Out. I'm very happy that I took these pictures because when I picked Casen up, Mrs. Ann, the Mother's Day Out Director, informed me that they were unable to take his picture because he REFUSED! Imagine that.....not my sweet boy! ha! Oh well, thank goodness I have these!

Heart Walk!

Brett, Casen, and I enjoy walking the Heart Walk in Pascagoula each year.....this past Saturday we had two new walkers to join us! Casen and Dayton enjoyed the wagon ride and Lani walked right along side of us for the entire 3 miles!!! Yay Lani!
Mimi, Darby, Delaney, and Dayton came to visit this past week and Casen had a blast with them......Here are a few picture taken at the park! Mimi and her grandchildren at the park!
Yee Haw!
A little man for each young lady!
"How can we get out of here Lani?"
Lani is soooooo FUnNy!
Loving his Capri Sun!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Visit with Pappaw, Grammy, and Madison

We had a great visit with Pappaw, Grammy, and Madison this past week. Pappaw took us all to eat at Carraba's and then to the Craker Barrel for breakfast. The little ones couldn't leave Cracker Barrel without begging for a little fan with candy in it. Of course, their grandpaw bought it for them! (Thanks Pappaw!) After breakfast, we headed out for the park and spent an hour or so there running around, climbing, swinging, and sliding! Great visit........... just not long enough! I was very surprised how Casen took to his Pappaw from the time he walked through the door. He definitely seemed to remember him! We haven't seen him since Christmas!! Yay! Miss Prissy!
Stud Muffin! Proud Pappaw!

Beautiful Weather!

Casen and I going for an afternoon stroll around the neighborhood.....he just LOVES his wagon and momma LOVES her camera! Too bad Casen hates my camera! I can't get him to smile for anything but he is still just as cute as ever! :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fun Around the House

Fun times around the house.....these picture were taken after his nap! I didn't brush his had so the curls are kicking! Practicing with my shapes!
Practicing ringing my cowbell......getting ready for some MSU Football!

Playing my clarinet!
Bed Head....Look at my curls!

Mardi Gras 2011

Fun at Mardi Gras......The first two picture are from this morning (Fat Tuesday Parades) and the bottom two are from last weekend. Casen had a great time at the parades he played, danced, and caught all kind of goodies......stuffed animals, beads, balls, moonpies, etc. (These pictures remind me of just how much I LOVE MY NEW CAMERA!) I didn't want to take it because I had enough to keep up with so I took my smaller one!