Sunday, January 31, 2010
In to everything!
Well now that Casen is on the go and into eVeRYtHing.......his daddy and I had to make a trip to Babies R' Us to purchase cabinet safety latches. He sat around and watched his daddy put them on every cabinet in the kitchen and on the entertainment center in the living room. This morning, I watched him as he tried to open the door to the entertainment center. He pulled and pulled and pulled. When he couldn't get it to open, he put his head up to the side of the door and looked through the small opening to see what was wrong with it! It was hilarious!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Smarty Pants!
Casen lets me know every day that he has been listening and picking up things for the past 7 months. He has been watching baby videos since he was three months old and I often wondered if he was getting anything out of them. Well, this past week, he has not been able to take his eyes off of them. The funniest thing is that he starts dancing (bouncing) when he know a song is coming up! So, this lets me know that he has been watching the videos! His FAVORITE song is the Etsy Bitsy Spider! He just grins when it comes up on the television and starts dancing in his chair. He started dancing this past week (7 months) for the first time!
New Discoveries!
Mr. Casen is ALL OVER the place now. He is a great crawler.....he has crawled all over the house and found all of the door stoppers! He is so funny! I think he figured out after finding the first three that he could look behind every door in the house and find them. His favorite is in the hallway. He always crawls to it and slaps it so that it will viberate back and forth! Brett and I have walked around the house and took the little rubber end off of all of them to make sure he doesn't choke on them! :) He is such a smart little thing!
Monday, January 25, 2010
On His Own!
Yay........Casen is now sitting up on his own! He started sitting up on his own about a week before he turned 7 months (yesterday)! He does it like a Pro now. Brett and I use to watch him think about it for a while before actually doing it, but there is no thinking about it now. He just plops up without a thought now. He is so funny......he will put his hands on the floor, push up on his feet with his behind in the air, and then swing his body around to a sitting position. It is sooooo cute! It seems like he is accomplishing something new every day! We are soooooo proud of him!
From crawling to sitting! :)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
My Sweet Baby!
My sweet. little boy is STILL sick.......but we finally got some answers this morning when I took him to the doctor. He woke up with 103.8 temperature this morning and I about had a heart attack! He was crying and didn't stop until his temperature came down a little. We found out from the doctor that he has two ear infections. He is on antibiotics but they were not working so his ears were progressively getting worse. So, now he has to have 3 shots for the next three days. He had his first one this morning and screamed bloody murder. Hopefully, he will be feeling better real soon! Please pray for him and his dad and me. A month of not much sleep definitely wears on people (parents and baby)!
Daddy rocked him to sleep and then fell asleep along with him. So Sweet!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Things We LOVE.......
CASEN LOVES..........
- KISSES......I guess because he gets them from mom and dad all the time!
- to take his medicine....there has only been one medicine he didn't like! ha!
- to hear his daddy's voice. As long as Brett is talking in his normal voice, he will stare at him forever. As soon as he starts talking "baby talk," Casen wakes up! Brett can also get him to sleep pretty fast by shushing him. I guess it is the deep voice!
- his legs to be messaged.
- to wrestle with mom in the middle of the living room floor!
- to eat rice mixed with Yo Baby Yogurt (banana and vanilla).
- to chase Graycee (our cat) around the house. He is a CRAWLING machine!
- to play with his gumball machine and links.
- taking a bath!
- listening to music......."Old McDonald" is his Favorite.
- to turn pages while reading books!
- watching his "Your Baby Can Read Videos!"
- being outside. Especially, when it is cold or windy!
- being carried around.
- his outside swing!
- watching his mama dace and make a fool of herself! :) I'll do anything to make him laugh!
- BLOWPOPS! I know, I know......I let him try mine once and he loved it. I haven't given him one since!
- cords, tags, strings, remote controls, cordless phones, cell phones, and things he shouldn't be playing with.
- strolling around the neighborhood.
- jumping in his exersaucer and jumperoo!
- shaking rattles and banging things to make noise!
- sucking his passy (just recently)!
Rub-a-dub Ducky!
Casen was soooo funny Wednesday night when his daddy and I bathed him in his big boy, duck tub! He wasn't too sure of it at first but it didn't take long for him to start splashing away and playing with is bath toys. He is soooo funny....he will splash so much that it splashes in his face and he just keeps right own even though he has water in his eyes. Hopefully, he will keep this up and not start crying!!
Sunday with BB and Des
This past Sunday, BB, Des, and Eden came to Mobile to hang out with us for the day! Casen put on a show for them by showing how well he could crawl. Like always, Des volunteered to feed him for me......a couple weeks ago, this took about 15-20 minutes. This past weekend, it seems like it took 5 minutes for him to eat a bowl of rice and yogurt! He has become an eating CHAMP!! Too bad he is not putting on a whole lot of weight.....I know it is going to catch up with him one day, so I'm not too worried!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Come get me Mama!
Well, the latest is that my little man has started reaching and crawling to mama! Over this past weekend, anytime Casen would see me, he would start crying and wanting me. The last thing I wanted him to do was to become a clingy baby. He has been attending Mother's Day out, at church, once a week since he was 3 months old. Today is the first day that I got a call saying they had a very unhappy baby and had been unable to calm him down. So, I had to go pick him up about 45 minutes early. When I got there, he started smiling at me and Ms. Mary (the lady that keeps him). She told me that she had been trying for a little over an hour to calm him down and nothing worked. He wouldn't eat his carrots or drink his bottle for her. She told me that he was even crawling to the door and sitting by it crying because he knew that is where I would be picking him up! Oh my goodness........looks like I've created a little monster! Please pray for us!!!! :)
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sick Again!
Here we go again.......Casen has been running a temp. since this past Saturday. So, I decide to take him to the doc to get him checked out. He had to have blood work done to check his white blood count which came back great. He also had to have a RSV test and chest exray. Which both came back good! His right ear was a little red AGAIN which makes for the second ear infection in that ear since November. I'm hoping he doesn't have to have tubes, but I would much rather that then for him to be in constant pain! I'm praying that he gets to feeling better soon. These every two hour wakings are killing me, and I know they are making him so restless!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Yesterday (Friday, January 15) was Casen's first day of Kindermusik. I think we are going to really enjoy this program. He is part of the group called "The Village." The Village is for newborn babies up to 18 months, but we have around 12 babies in our class ranging from 2 to 8 months. If you go to this link, you can read all about it!
Anyway, I must say that Casen was the life of the party yesterday. He is the only one that was crawling around everywhere. So, I was the crazy mom trying to keep him off of all the other babies' blankets. The moms were just cracking up and amazed at how well he was crawling at 6 1/2 months. We had a great time and met some wonderful moms and babies. We can't wait to our next class to get to know them even better.
I took my camera, but I was so busy chasing Casen around that I forgot to get it out. Hopefully, I will get a picture next week to post!
Anyway, I must say that Casen was the life of the party yesterday. He is the only one that was crawling around everywhere. So, I was the crazy mom trying to keep him off of all the other babies' blankets. The moms were just cracking up and amazed at how well he was crawling at 6 1/2 months. We had a great time and met some wonderful moms and babies. We can't wait to our next class to get to know them even better.
I took my camera, but I was so busy chasing Casen around that I forgot to get it out. Hopefully, I will get a picture next week to post!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Best Daddy Ever!!
Brett is the best daddy ever.....he converted what was supposed to be our dining room into Casen's playroom! Everything was moved out of the dining room and all of Casen's toys were moved in. It has a new floor (foam puzzle mat), the plugs are baby proofed, and the safety gates are on there way!!! :) Now we just have to get him use to playing in there instead of in the middle of the living room floor!
" You're almost finished daddy!"
"Wow......Look at my playroom! I even have a bench to sit on (window seal)!"
"Hey mom.....THIS is an Orange CUBE!" ha!
Church Time!!
This past Sunday, we all got ready and headed to church! Casen was soooo cute in his "Big Boy" clothes. When I was trying to figure out what to put on him, he kept pulling at this red sweater in the closet. So, I assumed he was trying to tell me that he wanted to wear it. He was all smiles!! The ladies in the nursery went on and on about how pleasant he was! He was the only boy out of about 10 or so babies! I think they all took turns spoiling him as if he wasn't rotten already! :)
It was freezing cold, but Casen LOVED it!
Sitting up!
My little one sat up on his on for the first time yesterday! Too bad no one but Graycee (the cat) saw it! I walked into the kitchen to empty the dishwasher and came back to the living room to find him sittinging in the middle of the floor playing with his toys. When I left out, he was crawling around! It seems like he is doing something new EVERY day!! My baby is growing up soooooooo fast!
Testing out the Rocking Chair
Look at "Mommy's Little Man" we put him in his rocking chair and he went to town rocking......he was so happy until I kept taking pictures of him. Soooo funny!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
"Why Can't I Play With That?"
Over the last few weeks, Casen has been determined to play with the strangest things! NONE of his toys hold a candle to remote controls, cell phones, cordless phones, cords, strings, or tags! I don't know why parents waste so much money on toys that light up and make noises when our children are just as entertain (if not more so) by tennis shoe laces! Here is an example of what I'm talking about!
Strap from his activity seat!
Of all the toys spread out in the floor, this is what he chooses to play with! :)
Sippy Time!
Brett and I have purchased three different types of sippy cups, and I think we have finally found a WINNER! The first cup we tried was the Playtex brand (hard spout). These were really cute, but after working with Casen a couple days, I decided it would probably be easier for him going from nursing to a soft spout. So. the second cup we tried was the Nuby brand. These had soft spouts but Casen figured out very quickly that he could turn the cup sideways and bite the spout to keep a continual flow of water which ended up with him being soaking wet. This just wouldn't work!! So, the latest sippy cup that we are trying is the Nuk, and so far Casen had done great with it! We will probably be purchasing a few more of these in the near future! I'm pretty sure that he will be able to use the other cups, we purchased, as he gets older so they will not go to waste! 

First 4-Wheeler Ride!
This post is a little late.....while we were home for the holidays, Brett and I volunteered to keep Darby, Delaney, and Dayton after their Mimi came down sick (food poision). We didn't think it was a good idea for her to keep them just in case she was contagious. Anyway, while we were visiting my grandmother, we loaded them all up on the 4-wheelers (there were two) and rode around the countryside. They had a great time! This was Casen's first 4-wheeler ride and he seemed to LOVE it as well! Don't ask what we had him dressed in....... I think it was a Christmas onesie, with a plaid jacket, a striped hat, and last but not least, his tennis shoes on over the onsie! ha!
We are finally Crawling!!!
Well, well our little boy is growing up waaaaaay too fast! Casen has been trying his best to crawl for about 5 - 6 weeks now. He started out very quickly, but him being sick since Thanksgiving slowed him down (cried if mommy put him down!). He has tried everything......up until yesterday, when he finally figured out how to put one hand in front of the other. It has been sooooo funny watching him chase Graycee (our cat) around the living room! She is finally starting to warm up to him. I guess she figures he is not going to give up!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Week after Christmas!
Well, this has been a pretty busy week! Brett and I decided to bring our nieces, Darby and Delaney, back home with us after Christmas! They are such a BIG help with Casen! He had full attention for 5 whole days. Needless to say, he has been looking for them since they left Thursday (I've also been looking for them! ha!) 

This past Monday, Brett, Casen, and I had to go to the doctor to get help in clearing this sickness up. Brett and I were put on antibiotics that we have to take 3 times a day for 10 days. We asked for a shot but the doc seemed to think that we needed to take the entire round of antibiotics. Casen's ears, chest, and throat were checked and everything looked good. Somehow, I didn't believe this was the case......after he was up all night Wednesday and woke up with 101.5 temp., we took him back to the doctor and they checked his blood. This showed that his white blood count was pretty elevated which proves that he has an infection. The doc. seemed to think it was sinus/head cold. This made perfectly good since to me since he still had so much mucus coming out of his nose and was pulling on his ears and rubbing his eyes. So, she put him on his third round of antibiotics since Thanksgiving. He has to take this one twice a day for 10 days. Unfortunately, he ended up with an upset stomach this morning and still has 8 more days to go. I will be sooooo happy when we finally get him feeling better! The last four weeks have been filled with cutting teeth, diarrhea, constipation, cold, ear infection in both ears, and the list continues to grow! I keep praying that he gets to feeling better soon. It is the worst things in the world to watch your little one be in such a miserable state!
Brett's mom and dad came down and stayed Thursday and Friday night with us! Brett and his dad have enjoyed college football for the past two days and Mrs. Frances, Casen and I enjoyed a day of shopping Friday! They volunteered to keep Casen last night while we went to see the movie Avatar. It was great being able to have a date with my husband, and the movie was really good too! Once we got back home, we walked in the door to a screaming baby. It seems that Casen now knows when his mommy and daddy are not there, because he cheered right up when we walked through the door. Can you say trouble!
Now I'm sitting here here trying to motivate myself to start putting Christmas decorations away! I will eventually get around to it! :)
This past Monday, Brett, Casen, and I had to go to the doctor to get help in clearing this sickness up. Brett and I were put on antibiotics that we have to take 3 times a day for 10 days. We asked for a shot but the doc seemed to think that we needed to take the entire round of antibiotics. Casen's ears, chest, and throat were checked and everything looked good. Somehow, I didn't believe this was the case......after he was up all night Wednesday and woke up with 101.5 temp., we took him back to the doctor and they checked his blood. This showed that his white blood count was pretty elevated which proves that he has an infection. The doc. seemed to think it was sinus/head cold. This made perfectly good since to me since he still had so much mucus coming out of his nose and was pulling on his ears and rubbing his eyes. So, she put him on his third round of antibiotics since Thanksgiving. He has to take this one twice a day for 10 days. Unfortunately, he ended up with an upset stomach this morning and still has 8 more days to go. I will be sooooo happy when we finally get him feeling better! The last four weeks have been filled with cutting teeth, diarrhea, constipation, cold, ear infection in both ears, and the list continues to grow! I keep praying that he gets to feeling better soon. It is the worst things in the world to watch your little one be in such a miserable state!
Brett's mom and dad came down and stayed Thursday and Friday night with us! Brett and his dad have enjoyed college football for the past two days and Mrs. Frances, Casen and I enjoyed a day of shopping Friday! They volunteered to keep Casen last night while we went to see the movie Avatar. It was great being able to have a date with my husband, and the movie was really good too! Once we got back home, we walked in the door to a screaming baby. It seems that Casen now knows when his mommy and daddy are not there, because he cheered right up when we walked through the door. Can you say trouble!
Now I'm sitting here here trying to motivate myself to start putting Christmas decorations away! I will eventually get around to it! :)
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