Monday, October 25, 2010
16 Months
Saturday, October 16, 2010
15 Month Update!
He is reading (recognizing) these words (What I mean by this is that he will either say the word when I show him a flashcard of make the gesture. For example, if the card says tongue, he doesn't say tongue, but he sticks his tongue out so I know he knows what the word says):
- cats
- cup
- duck
- nose
- eyes
- tongue
- ball
- arms up
- mouth
- fingers
- chimpanzee
- dog
- drum
- ears
- clap
- baby
This past week he has also been very, very clingy and fussy from cutting 4 back far this makes 12 teeth!
He had started turning around and around until he gets dizzy and falls down.
He loves to be rocked and cuddle with his momma!
He is very quickly turning into a daddy's boy.....I don't really know how to feel about this one. It does bring tears to my eyes every time he runs to his daddy with his arm stretch wide screaming dada, dada........ Brett scoops him up with that proud daddy grin on his face, and they hug each other for a few minutes!
Mealtimes are some of the most stressful times of my day.......Casen would live off of fruit, nutrigrain bars, quackers (graham crackers, ritz crackers, goldfish, cheeseitz, etc.), yogurt, and Fruit loops!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Prayer Request
I have a friend who has just been diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer and I can't help but wonder why her. On top of her finding out she had stage 3 breast cancer, she also finds out that she is 5 weeks pregnant with a little miracle! This friend is the picture of health......beautiful, energetic, in shape, motivated, a runner, a great mom to a 15 month old (one of Casen's girlfriends! :)), healthy, etc. She is a person who people just love to be around! Here she is.......about to go to battle for her LIFE! The thought of this just terrifies me to even think about. When I was younger and childless, the thought of cancer or any other sickness was not as frighten to me. But now that I'm a momma and think about something like this happening, I can't help but think about my little man and what lengths I would go to, to try to be here for him as he grows up. This life was once all about me, but now it is all about Casen, his mama, and dada (our family)! It's amazing how motherhood changes has helped me to look at things much closer, think a little deeper, speak a tiny bit slower :) and love with all my might!
Angela (the girl I've been writing about) is the 3rd friend of mine, within the past two years, who has been diagnosed with cancer. Two other phenomenal ladies who both have children ages 5 and under have been fighting this same battle! Again, as I sit here and type this, I thank God so much for my health and the blessings in my life, but I also can't help but wonder WHY this has happened to my 3 friends......who are wonderful people and awesome mothers and wives! I know that there is a reason for everything and that there is a purpose to be found; however, it is just so hard to find when you watch one great friend after another be diagnosed and suffer through cancer treatments. If you're reading this post please lift my friends and their families up in prayer......Beth, Angela, and Ashley! Thanks so much!
Love this Pic!