Sunday, February 27, 2011
20 Months
A beautiful morning at the park........excuse our beautiful hair due! ha!

Jumps off of the ground and lands on his feet.

No longer uses a passy!
Has 16 teeth!
Loves kisses!
Loves going to the park.....slides, climbs, and swings like a big boy!
Loves balls, trucks, cars.
Is talking soooo much more!
Knows around 10 letters and likes to point them out everywhere....signs, shirts, etc.
Has counted from 1 to 4 and from 5 to 10 by himself, but hasn't counted from 1 to 10 just yet! :)
Runs really fast without any hesitation.
Says his daddy's name is Bet Coowee!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Connections, Connections!
It is amazing how much Casen is starting to show us he knows........this is just a quick connection he made today that I don't want to forget about. Brett and I were playing around with Casen in his room and Casen went up to press his Elmo's foot to make him giggle. Well, the Elmo didn't giggle so Brett said, "Uh-oh it probably need batteries!". So, I put Elmo on the floor and pressed his foot and he worked just fine. Casen just had not pressed his foot in the correct place. Well, we continued to play with Casen and we all just cracked up at Elmo. After a little while, Casen started dragging (this Elmo is pretty heavy) Elmo out of his room and I'm trying to give him a smaller Elmo because I knew it would be easier for him to carry. But, he just continues to drag this Elmo into our bedroom and he goes directly to my night stand, where I keep the batteries. He turns Elmo over, looks at the bottom of his foot (where the batteries go), and takes a battery out of the drawer and tries to put it into Elmo! I about fell out on the floor! I could not believe I was witnessing this......I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but Casen has never been directly shown how to put batteries in a toy. So, this goes to show just how much my little boy is taking in ALL the time! I mean the only thing he was missing was a screwdriver to open the battery case on the toy! He would have probably know exactly how to use that too! ha! The really funny thing is that all of this took place because of the comment his daddy had made about Elmo needing batteries!
Photo Session with Mommy!
Okay, I feel like a bad mommy........tonight was the first BUBBLE bath that Casen has ever had. He was crying hysterically at first until he realized the bubbles were not out to get get him. He finally got comfortable sitting in the water but never really got comfortable enough to stand up or splash around a whole lot. He will get there......we are going to take another bubble bath tomorrow! ha! Burt's Bees makes some GREAT smelling tear free, baby soap and bubble bath. I splurged just a little today!

This is a picture of Casen not so sure about the bubbles!
" Mommy HAND!" This is what Casen said when he saw the bubbles on his hand. It is so exciting to witness your child experience something new and to see what their reaction will be! :)
Getting our PJs on:
Blowing mommy a kiss! I LOVE his sweet, little lips!
It's all in the eyes!
Casen has Graycee cornered! He was thankfully just kissing on her this time! :)

Play time before bed:
This is the newest thing he has learned to do with his PJs!
He pulls one arm out......It is the funniest thing! The top of his PJs
end up looking like a one armed female top!
Posing in his recliner!
Loves playing in the sink!
Well, I have finally found something that Casen does not get bored with.....and that is playing in a sink FULL of water. So now while I'm cooking, he stands on the step ladder and pours and slashes away! This is so much better than him holding onto my leg screaming for me to hold him while I'm trying to cook. He never gets tired of it.......he will play until I have finish cooking!! YAY!!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Happy 80th Mammaw!
Magnificent Montana!
Big Sky, Montana was sooooo beautiful and the skiing was pretty good if you LOVE fresh powder! Brett and I had a wonderful time with our sidekicks and can't wait for the next trip....before too long we will all have little ones in the pictures! :)
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