My sweet baby will be turning 2 before I know it! My he is growing so fast and is very, very quickly getting out of that cute toddler stage.....he is starting to look like a big boy now! This past month has been very eventful.
Casen just out of the blue started singing a ton of songs! He sings his ABC song from beginning to end (missing only a couple of letters), Jesus Loves Me, Rain Rain Go Away, I Love You (Barney), Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The
Itsy Bitsy Spider, The wheels on the Bus, and probably more that I just can't think of right now.
One shocker for Brett and me this past month, was that we realized that our little boy knew where our subdivision was located and also where our house was in the subdivision. We learned this by riding past our entrance and
Casen started screaming, "Home!" and pointing to our entrance. This was so funny but shocking to Brett and me to know that our baby knows where to go! Also, he always screams
Walmart, Target, and Chicken
Nuggies (Chick-
fil-a) when we pass these stores.
Casen can count to 10 but his favor way to count is by saying 1,2,7,8,9,10.......I guess he feels the 3,4,5,and 6 are just not that important! He is
absolutely OBSESSED with any kind of play car, truck, motorcycle, etc. If it has wheels on it,
Casen wants it in his hands;
regardless, if it belongs to him or not! ha!